
Cook County Employees and Substitutes will now be using Frontline Absence Management


Web Access

To access the Frontline website go to  Here you can enter absences, check your absence schedule, update personal information, and upload your lesson plans for substitutes to view online.  

Mobile App Access

After you have created your Frontline ID, you can download the Frontline Education mobile app. Enter your Frontline ID credentials to sign in.  For more information regarding the mobile app click here.

Dial-In Access

You can call Frontline toll-free at 1-800-942-3767.  Simply follow the voice menu to enter and manage absences. We recommend that you call in to check the computer recording of your name and title.  To do this, press Option 5 (Employees) or Option 4 (Substitutes) and follow the prompts.


You will need to know your ID Number and Pin Number that you received with your welcome letter.


Note: You are NOT required to create a Frontline ID for dial-in access (you automatically have dial-in access).  However, to access the website, you must create a Frontline ID via your personal invitation email.

*When entering an absence, please wait until you receive a confirmation number before you terminate the phone call.  Your transaction is not complete until you receive a confirmation number.


Here are some training links for your reference (you must be logged in to your Absence Management account to access):


For Employees

Employee QuickStart Guide (PDF)

How Absence Management Works Video

Basic Training Video

Advanced Training Video


For Substitutes

Substitute QuickStart Guide

How Absence Management Works Video

Basic Training Video