Director of Student Services

About Student Services:

The Cook County School District is committed to building strong relationships with our parents, students, staff and community. The Office of Student Services exists to promote a safe and educationally sound environment for students to learn. Our mission is to provide services to all students in a wide range of programs and resources to schools, district personnel, students and their families on issues and concerns in the following areas: enrollment, affidavits, residency verification, student discipline, intradistrict transfers, military student transition, homeless, compulsory school attendance, student health concerns, school nutrition, social services, federal programs, counseling support, Pre-K, Gifted, ESOL, and addressing the needs of students with disabilities and mental health service availability.

    We Believe In:

  • Proactive Discipline (prevention and intervention)
  • Positive School Climate
  • Appropriate Consequences (not punishment)
  • Trust and Honest Communication
  • Common Understanding
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Commitment
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Stakeholder Partnership/Participation
  • Transparency and Accountability

  Value Statements:

  • The ultimate goal of discipline is self-discipline
  • Violations of the Student Code of Conduct require imposition of appropriate consequences
  • School attendance is imperative for high student achievement
  • Like academics, positive behavior is taught and modeled
  • Creating and maintaining meaningful relationships among students, families, teachers, staff, and community partners
  • Demonstrate a personal and institutional accountability for student learning, ethical conduct, and adherence to mandates, policies, and procedures

Parent Concerns

 The Cook County School District is committed to building strong relationships.   It is our goal to provide opportunities that allow open communication with all stakeholders to identify and solve concerns. It is our intent not to move problems but to solve them by communicating and working together. However, it must be understood that problems are best served at the lowest level so it is critical that the building principal is made aware of any school-related concern and provided a reasonable amount of time to address it before bringing it to the district level. We recommend that the principal is made aware even if the concern is the principal.
It is our goal to successfully resolve your complaint or concern should it reach this level. Please keep in mind we will speak to the principal to inquire about your specific concern in a timely manner. This will allow us to collect all the facts from all parties and determine the best response the matter.

How to file a Complaint/Concern:

1.      Please make sure, in writing, the school principal is aware of your complaint or concern.

2.      The school must be given reasonable time to solve the complaint or concern.

3.      Please collect your documentation that pertains to current situation and be prepared to discuss this evidence with the appropriate principal. (Emails, texts, copies, papers, screen shots, and recordings)

If you are not satisfied with the principal’s resolution of your complaint/concern, please contact Student Services Director, 229-896-2294 or email Please provide a copy of your complaint/concern along with any relevant paperwork for review.

Complaint Form:



 Progressive Discipline

As leaders of learners we believe that learning is a lifelong process and students are volunteers in their learning.  Our goal is to create positive school environments that promote and support appropriate behavior of all students. Progressive Discipline is a comprehensive tiered approach to implementing positive and consistent student discipline across the school system.

Cook County Board Of Education encourages a positive and safe climate system wide, in all locations and for all students, by systematically focusing on:

  •  the general school population
  •  students at risk
  •  students with intensive or chronic behavioral and emotional problems
  • The definition of and response to problem behavior needs to be consistent across classroom and non-classroom settings.

    These environments are developed through the identification of common behavioral expectations that are valued by the school community and can apply to all students in all settings and situations.  The school environment created:

  • Teaches students skills to behave appropriately
  • Positively acknowledges students engaging in those behaviors
  • Provides consistency and stability in interactions among students and staff
  • CCBOE promotes positive relationships in schools and provides students with social and behavioral skills to be successful learners, school citizens, and ultimately valued community members.

    Progressive Discipline Procedures

    When it is necessary to impose discipline, school administrators and teachers will follow a progressive discipline process.  The degree of discipline to be imposed by each school official will be in proportion to the severity of the behavior of a particular student and will take into account the student’s discipline history, age of the student, and other relevant factors.  The Code of Conduct provides a systematic process of behavioral correction in which inappropriate behaviors are followed by consequences. Disciplinary actions are designed to teach students self-discipline and to help them substitute inappropriate behaviors with those that are consistent with the character traits from Georgia’s Character Education Program.

    The following disciplinary actions may be imposed for any violation of this Code of Conduct:

  • Warning and/or counseling with a School Administrator or Counselor
  • Loss of privileges
  • Isolation or Time Out
  • Temporary removal from class or activity
  • Notification of parents/guardians
  • Parent/guardian conference
  • Detention/Saturday School
  • Temporary placement in an alternative education program
  • Short-term suspension
  • Referral to a tribunal for long-term suspension or expulsion
  • Suspension or expulsion from the school bus
  • Referral to law enforcement or juvenile court officials
  • Georgia law requires that certain acts of misconduct be referred to the appropriate law enforcement officials.  The school will refer any act of misconduct to law enforcement officials when school officials determine such a referral to be necessary or appropriate.  The maximum punishment for an offense includes long-term suspension or expulsion, including permanent expulsion, but those punishments will be determined only by a disciplinary tribunal as outlined in the Cook County Board of Education policies.


    Title IX Information

    The District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education program and activities, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 ("Title IX"). Such requirement to not discriminate extends to admission and employment.

    Effective August 14, 2020, pursuant to federal regulations implementing Title IX published in 2020 scheduled to become effective on August 14, 2020, any complaint involving "sexual harassment" as defined by those federal regulations that occurs in a District education program or activity against a person in the United States shall be addressed pursuant to the District Title IX Grievance Procedure. Should such federal regulations not be implemented for any reason, all such complaints involving a student complainant shall continue to be addressed in the appropriate District policy.

    Inquiries about the application of Title IX may be directed to the Assistant Secretary of the Office for Civil Rights, United States Department of Education, or to the following:


    Henry Acree

    Title IX Coordinator for Student Matters

    Director of Student Services

    37 Josey Road

    Adel, GA 31620

    Phone: 229-896-2294


    Leslie Folsom

    Title IX Coordinator for Employee Matters

    37 Josey Road

    Adel, GA 31620

    Phone: 229-896-2294