
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL is August 7th!

Superintendent’s Message


On behalf of the Cook County Board of Education, I would like to welcome you to the 24-25 school year.  The beginning of the school year always brings so much energy, excitement, and enthusiasm. For teachers, it’s the excitement of getting class rosters to find out the names of students that they can pour knowledge into and build positive relationships.  Cook County’s educators are called to make a difference in the lives of their students. Our teachers, faculty, and staff work diligently for the Mission of our district which is To empower and inspire all learners to achieve.  


For our students, it’s the excitement for all the adventures and opportunities that lie ahead.  A new year brings a fresh start to make new friends, learn new things, and grow as individuals.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new students and families who have joined our school community. We welcome you to the Hornet family and look forward to getting to know you better. For our returning students and families, we are glad to have you back and are excited to see the growth and progress you will make this year.


As we begin this new year, I want to emphasize the importance of communication between home and school. We encourage our parents to stay informed about their child's progress through regular updates from their teachers, parent-teacher conferences, and school events. We encourage parents and community members to share your thoughts, concerns, and ideas with us through our various communication channels. 

We are committed to providing a comprehensive education that prepares our students for success in academics, career, and life. We believe that every student deserves access to high-quality education, support services, and resources that help them reach their full potential.


Once again, welcome back to school! We are excited to have you as part of our Hornet family and look forward to working together to obtain the VISION of Cook County Schools that All students will succeed through enrollment in higher education, enlistment in the military, or employment in the workforce.


As always, It’s A Great Day To Be A HORNET! 

Joy Joiner Folsom

Cook County Schools

Interim Superintendent

Cook County Schools take pride in the educational opportunities we are able to provide for our children. Our teachers and staff members work very hard to meet the needs of all students to ensure academic success. We have evidence that students are learning and making good progress, and we consider this to be an important indicator of success. An important part of our success is parent participation and support in developing activities to improve student achievement. We hope that as a parent/guardian, you will become involved in our school improvement initiatives as we continue to monitor student achievement and set high expectations. If you are interested in participating in developing our school improvement initiatives so we can continue to excel, contact your child’s school.